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Silky Tarte Noir + Dorie Love

Dorie Greenspan's Recipes Never Disappoint Me

My copy of Dorie Greenspan's Baking: From My Home to Yours is splattered and bent and has notes written all over it—all the highest compliments I can give to a cookbook. When a friend gave me a bag of dark Valhrona chocolate baking pieces, I knew this was the tarte to make. It's basically a cookie crust with chocolate silky butter filling. Nothing interferes with the chocolate, so you want to use the best you can get your hands on.

Use almond flour to replace 1/4 cup of the regular flour in the crust. It will make the crust crispier and more like a shortbread cookie.

Coming Soon from Dorie

While this cookbook is filled with sweet treats, I'm very excited about Dorie's upcoming cookbook, Baking with Dorie: Sweet, Salty & Simple, that will be published in fall 2021.

See my review


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